E-Commerce November 8, 2021

Webplanex and Luxy Hair

Transforming Hair Dreams with webplanex

Luxy Hair is dedicated to helping individuals achieve the hair of their dreams. Whether you desire longer locks or a stunning look for a special occasion, we believe everyone deserves to feel incredible.

Our commitment to delivering an exceptional customer experience has earned us the reputation of being the world’s #1-rated clip-in hair extensions brand.

Webplanex collaborates with Luxy Hair, harnessing the power of Shopify, eCommerce, CMS, and PHP to enhance the hair transformation experience.

Our seamless integration of these technologies ensures a user-friendly platform for browsing and purchasing our premium hair extensions. With the versatility of Shopify, the efficiency of eCommerce, and the flexibility of CMS and PHP, we provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience.

Experience the Luxy Hair difference today. With Webplanex’s technological expertise, we empower individuals to achieve their hair dreams. Trust Luxy Hair and Webplanex for premium quality and unparalleled service.

  • Strategy

    Human Hair Extensions

  • Design

    Shopify, eCommerce, CMS, PHP

Open Project
Work with WebPlanex

Core feature

Elevating Your Hair Experience with Premium Quality and Customer-Centric Excellence.

Rated Clip-In Hair Extensions Brand

Luxy Hair has earned recognition as the #1 rated clip-in hair extensions brand in the world. This accolade reflects their commitment to delivering exceptional products and customer experiences.

Total Package

Luxy Hair aims to provide customers with the total package. They offer not only beautiful hair extensions but also exceptional customer support, transparency, and confidence. Their focus extends beyond hair, aiming to help women look and feel beautiful every day.

Best of Everything

Luxy Hair brings customers the best of everything. They offer 100% Remy human hair extensions and a range of premium accessories. Additionally, they provide numerous styling tutorials and hair care guides to help customers achieve their dream hair even after making a purchase.

Customer-Centric Approach

Luxy Hair places customers at the center of everything they do. They prioritize exceptional customer support, aiming to be there for customers like a best friend. Whether customers need hair advice, product requests, or have questions, Luxy Hair is dedicated to being available and responsive.

Ethically Sourced and Sustainably Made

Luxy Hair is committed to ethical practices and sustainability. They ensure their products are ethically sourced and provide transparency in their manufacturing processes. By visiting their factory, they demonstrate their commitment to accountability and responsible production.

Premium Quality Remy Human Hair Extensions

Luxy Hair extensions are made from 100% Remy human hair. Remy hair is the highest grade of human hair, with the cuticles kept intact to prevent tangling and extend the lifespan of the extensions. The meticulous sorting and unidirectional alignment of the hair ensure its softness, shine, silkiness, and tangle-free nature.

Thoughtful Factory Selection

Luxy Hair invested significant time and effort in selecting a factory partner that aligned with their values. They audited 32 factories over 11 months to find a partner who demonstrated honesty, dedication, and a commitment to excellence. This thorough process ensures the quality and integrity of their products.

Still Wondering If We Are the Right Fit?

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